The workshop will focus on moduli of objects in abelian categories of low dimension, namely quiver representations, sheaves and Higgs sheaves on curves and surfaces. The goal is to highlight the similarities in the study of these moduli problems, and the role of mirror symmetry and S-duality in this context.
Everyone who plans on attending must register. There are limited funds to support (junior) participants, and there is room for contributed talks.
List of speakers
More names will be announced, and there will be opportunities for contributed talks by junior participants.
- Hülya Argüz (University of Georgia)
- Alastair Craw (Bath University)
- Denis Nesterov (ETH Zurich)
- Olivier Schiffmann (Université de Paris-Saclay)
- Markus Reineke (Bochum University)
The workshop is organised by
- Pieter Belmans (Utrecht University)
- Martijn Kool (Utrecht University)
- Victoria Hoskins (Radboud University Nijmegen)
The workshop is supported by Geometry and Quantum Theory (GQT) cluster, and Dutch Research Council (NWO) through CatsINCAGe